Helga de Alvear

Jane & Louise Wilson

Jane & Louise Wilson
1967 born in In The, United Kingdom
Lives in London, United Kingdom

1996 Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Berliner Künstlerprogramm
(Jane and Louise)
1990-92 Goldsmiths College, London, MA Fine Art (Jane and Louise)
1986-89 Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, Dundee, BA Fine Art (Louise)
Newcastle Polytechnic, BA Fine Art (Jane)


2004 Residency at the School of Fine Arts, SOFA Gallery, Christchurch, New Zealand
2002 Awarded Doctors of Civil Law, DCL, Northumberland University
2000 IASPIS, International Artist’s Studio Program in Sweden, Stockholm, Residency Fall
1999 Nominated for the Turner Prize
1996 DAAD Scholarship, Berlin – Hannover, Germany
1993 Barclays Young Artist Award