Benjamin Seror

18 Nov - 02 Dec 2014

© Benjamin Seror
The Totochabo Principe (2014), Plateau, Frac île-de-France, Paris. Photo: Martin Argyroglo Callias Bey
The Marsyas Hour
18 November - 2 December 2014

Benjamin Seror’s improvised stories are inspired by phantoms of literature, art history and everyday adventures. Over three Tuesday evenings in the REDCAT Lounge, he develops and performs a new version of his latest project, The Marsyas Hour, an impromptu script for a TV pilot that recounts everyday life on Mount Olympus through the eyes of the young satyr Marsyas. Apollo defeated Marsyas in a flute contest, and had him tied to a tree to be frayed alive – but Marsyas survived the punishment and committed his life to defeating the gods.