Talks & Situations I-VII
19 Nov 2009 - 04 Mar 2010

Talks & Situations I : Christiane Rekade
Ida Ekblad, Edit Oderbolz, Alessandra Pallotta, Nora Rekade, Pamela Rosenkranz, Vanessa Niloufar Safavi
19 November - 5 Dezember 2009
All The Girls Standing In The Line For The Bathroom ist der Titel eines Songs der NERD und beschreibt nicht ohne Ironie eine sehr bekannte Situation. Dem Titel folgend, wird das Line-Up der Ausstellung denn auch ausschliesslich von Künstlerinnen bestritten. Dabei wird die Situation nicht geschlechterspezifisch betrachtet, als viel mehr das Energie- und Dringlichkeitspotential der beschriebenen Situation ausgeschöpft.
Edit Oderbolz kombiniert Ihr Dyptichon aus zwei bedruckten Bettanzügen. Ein psychodelisch anmutendes Muster kontrastiert den Tigeraufdruck auf der zweiten Hälfte des Doppelbildes und ruft kollektive Erinnerungen an die Einrichtungen von Jugendzimmern wach. Ähnlich wie Oderbolz verarbeitet auch Vanessa Niloufar Safavi gefundene (oftmals Alltags-)Objekte und kreiert neue Kompositionen, schafft neue Kontexte. Mit einem Augenzwinkern stellt die junge Schweizerin die Frage nach dem Künstlerdasein. Pamela Rosenkranz kommentiert mit der Arbeit „Firm Beeing (Umeboshi Paff)“ die Werbestrategien gewissen Mineralwasserkonzerne. Die Mode- und Fooddesignerin Alessandra Pallotta spielt in ihrer Installation auf die Kleider als unsere zweite Haut und der Umdeutung von Körperteilen an. Nora Rekades ganz alltägliche (Baustellen-) Situation bekommt in den Ausstellungsraum transferiert eine unwirkliche, surreale Bedeutung, wo die grundsätzlichen Fragen nach der Liebe und dem Leben von einem Ghettoblaster gestellt werden. Ida Ekblads Gedicht erinnert in seiner Melodie an einen Seemanns Gesang inmitten einer grosstädtischen Landschaft.
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Talks & Situations II : Thomas Eller
THE & Guests
10 - 13 December 2009
10 December 2009, Thursday, 7 pm
Meta-Photography - A Departure from the neo-liberal Becher-Schule
with Eric Aichinger, Art Journalist
11 December 2009, Friday, 7 pm
Cultural Politics for Berlin - An Institutional Critique
with Jan Turowski, Political Scientist / Cultural Theorist
12 December 2009, Saturday, 7 pm
Who am I ? - Improbable Positions of Production
with Sabine Flach, Zentrum für Literaturwissenschaft, Berlin
13 December 2009, Sunday, 7 pm
Beyond Architecture - A Meta-Discussion
with Lukas Feireiss, Artist and Architecture Critic
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Talks & Situations III : Anne-Sofie Ruckhaberle and Philipp Ziegler
22 January 2010, Friday, 7 pm
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Talks & Situations IV : Leif Magne Tangen
Reihe Experimentalfilm #24:
Flash Artifacts / UbuWeb Screening, 2009 edit
6 February 2010, Saturday, 7 pm
L:00:00 -- George Brecht -- Entrance to Exit (1965) R:00:00 -- George Brecht -- Entrance to Exit (1965) L:00:27 -- Jack Goldstein -- MGM (1975) R:00:27 Jack Goldstein -- White Dove (1975) L:01:01 Standish Lawder -- Color Film (1971) R:01:01 Tacita Dean -- Kodak (2007) L:03:22 Paul McCarthy -- Painter (1995) R:03:22 Marcel Duchamp -- Anemic Cinema (1926) R:04:11 Vito Acconci -- Theme Song (1973) R:04:28 Mauricio Kagel -- MM51 / Nosferatu (1983) L:05:34 John Baldessari -- Time/Temperature (1972--73) L:07:28 Richard Serra -- Boomerang (with Nancy Holt) (1974) R:07:28 Dan Graham -- Performer/Audience/Mirror (1975) 08:10 Ryan Trecartin -- (Tommy--Chat Just E--mailed Me) (2006) 08:37 Salvador Dali & Luis Buñuel -- Un Chien Andalou (1928) 08:40 Peter Campus -- Double Vision (1971) L:08:57 Paper Rad -- P--Unit Mixtape (2005) R:08:57 Peter Campus -- Double Vision (1971) L:09:56 Oliver Payne & Nick Relph Mixtape (2002) R:10:47 Paul Sharits -- Dots 1 & 2 (1965) L:11:25 Gary Hill -- Black / White / Text (1980) R:11:25 Hans Richter -- Rhytmus 21 (1921) 12:52 bpNichol -- Word Pieces L:13:21 Gary Hill -- Black / White / Text (1980) R:13:21 Hans Richter -- Rhytmus 21 (1921) L:14:27 Jeremy Blake -- Century 21 (2004) R:14:27 Fernand Leger -- Ballet Mécanique (1924) L:17:53 George Landow -- Film In Which There Appear Edge Lettering, Sprocket Holes, Dirt Particles, Etc (1965--66) R:18:17 Stephen Dwoskin -- Dirty (1965) L:19:58 Anthony Balch & William S. Burroughs -- The Cut--Ups (1966) R:19:58 Anthony Balch & William S. Burroughs -- The Cut--Ups (1966) L:21:48 Ernie Gehr -- Shift (1972--1974) L:21:54 Michael Snow -- So Is This (1982) R:21:54 Tehching Hsieh -- One Year Performance, No. 2 (1980--81) 23:13 Paper Rad -- P--Unit Mixtape (2005) 24:17 Nam June Paik -- Beatles Electroniques (1966--69) 24:46 Pipilotti Rist -- I'm Not The Girl Who Misses Much (1986) 25:08 Carolee Schneeman -- Fuses (1965) / Cheryl Donegan -- Refuses (2007) 29:03 Paul McCarthy -- Wild Gone Girls Test (2003) L:29:10 Joseph Beuys -- Filz TV (1970) R:29:10 Chris Burden -- TV Ad (1973) R:29:33 Stan Douglas -- Monodramas, "I'm not Gary." (1991) R:30:21 Skip Arnold -- Punch (1992)
Flash Artifacts (2009) is a re-edited selection from UbuWeb's streaming video archive, exploring the conditions that momentarily "clothe and house" classic avant-garde film and video works. In particular, this editorial exercise investigates online versions of media-reflexive cinema, reprograming works designed to address media technologies now verging on obsolescence. The re-editing is done by Danny Snelson and João Enxuto.
Danny Snelson and João Enxuto re-edit selections from UbuWeb's streaming video archive, exploring the conditions that momentarily "clothe and house" classic avant-garde film and video works. In particular, this editorial exercise investigates online versions of media-reflexive cinema, reprograming works designed to address media technologies now verging on obsolescence.
Standish Lawder turns the camera back on the projector; reveling in the deliriously rhythmic mechanics of a film zipping through the machine. Paul Sharits constructs a rigorous series of dot matrix bursts of light; flashing the ecstatic visuality of pure cinema. Vito Acconci invades the most intimate of gallery spectator spaces; destroying any supposed distance from the film. What interests us about these works of consummate media-reflexivity in their current state of digital dereliction? Why screen these virtual leftovers when online viewing is properly dismissed as an inferior cinematic experience?
History completes itself: in remarks on the foundation of UbuWeb, Kenneth Goldsmith argues for the astonishing way in which the computer screen has always inhabited concrete poetry, even from within the page. Similarly, a hidden magic is revealed in these works as they've found themselves mixed up in the contextual economy of UbuWeb. Interweaving, juxtaposing, and re-editing dozens of films and videos from the UbuWeb archive, we attempt to resurface the more remarkable moments of digital prescience: rewiring these essential historical works as allegories of online distribution networks, internet-specific poetics, media encoding technologies, and the peculiarities of our rapidly expanding social networks.
UbuWeb UbuWeb is the largest web-based resource for avant-garde material founded in 1996 by poet Kenneth Goldsmith. It offers visual, concrete and sound poetry, film and sound art mp3 archives.
Danny Snelson is a writer, editor, and archivist recently acclimated to Philadelphia. His online editorial work can be found on UbuWeb, PennSound, and Eclipse. He is the founder of Aphasic Letters (with Phoebe Springstubb) and No Input Books (with James Hoff).
Reihe Experimentalfilm have screenings with classic avant-garde, experimental film, video art and expanded cinema.RE is an initiative of D21 Kunstraum Leipzig and Filmgalerie Alpha60, based in Leipzig. Sarah Schipschack and Leif Magne Tangen are its curators.
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Talks & Situations V : Alexis Zavialoff
9 – 20 February 2010
Opening: 9 February, Thursday, 6 pm
Performance by Sam de Groot, 7pm
Motto hops from Kreuzberg to Mitte for ten days and presents thematically curated selections of magazines, books and artists’ publications.
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Talks & Situations VI: Doreen Mende
19 February 2010, Friday, 7 pm
Two video works by NCS (Nyein Chan Su)
RED CIRCLE, 3.51 min
NEAR MANDALAY, 2009, 13.54 min
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Talks & Situations VII : Alina Grobe
The architect Alina Grobe in a conversation with the engineer Norbert Pilz of the Aerospace Insitute in Berlin
4 March 2010, Thursday, 7 pm
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Brunnenstr. 190
D-10119 Berlin