Vanessa Niloufar Safavi

Vanessa Niloufar Safavi
1980 born in Lausanne, Switzerland
Lives in Basel, Switzerland

2003 - 2007
HEA Diplôme d’arts visuels
ECAL – école cantonale d’art de Lausanne
Professors: Francis Baudevin, Philippe Decrauzat, John Armleder, Julien Fronsacq and Stéphane Dafflon.


Kiefer Hablitzel, 2009

Solo Exhibitions

Kunsthaus Glarus, upcoming August.
“Between a Tree and a Plastic Chair”, Chert, Berlin.
“Wandering Works”, Claudia Groeflin Galerie, Zürich.
“Successes and Traumas”, Le Palais Bleu, Trogen (CH).

NEO, Naphtaline, Lausanne.

DOM-TOM, zwanzigquadrameter, Berlin

Group Exhibitions

"Livingroom Exotica", Kunsthaus Glarus.

”the forever ending story #012”, Ausstellungsraum Klingental, Basel.
“That’s all Folklore”, CRAC Alsace, Altkirch.
“Wood you rather...”, K3 – Project Space, Zürich.
“Drinnen & Draussen”, Chert, Berlin.
"En Miroir, projections sur le Folklore", centre d'art de Fribourg, Fribourg
"Strange Comfort (Afforded by the Profession)", Curated by Adam Szymczyk and Salvatore Lacagnina in collaboration with Annette Amberg and Roos Gortzak, Kunsthalle Basel, Basel.
“Luck Draw 2010”, Sculpture Center, Long Island City, New York.
“The Amazone Conversation”, Raum Zur Kunst, Basel.

"All The Girls Standing In The Line For The Bathroom", curated by Christiane Rekade, Artnews Project Space, Berlin.
"Kiefer Hablitzel", Swiss Art Awards, Basel.

"If it’s a bird, shoot it!" In Practice projet, with A. Gamboni, D. Navarro, B. Lavigne and K. Sgouridis. Curated by Sarina Basta, Sculpture Center, Long Island, New York.
"Un Art du Feu", curated by Guillaume Pilet, Espace Bellevaux, Lausanne.
Centre culturel suisse de Paris, curated by Léa Fluck, Paris.
“X”, 1M3, Lausanne.
"Black Diaspora", curated by Nathalie Rehbolz, Espace Out Of This Word, Territet.
"Joseph Hannibal Now!" curated by Joseph Hannibal, Galerie Blancpain, Genève.
Zoo Art Fair, with 1M3, Royal Academy of Arts, London.

"Sijang Jeon Eun Neomu Ileo" curated by Aurélien Gamboni, Espace Forde, Genève.
"Even anti-heroes need their Mum", with Kim Boninsegni, K. Sgouridis, curated by Samuel Gross, Galerie Guy Bärtschi, Genève.
ecal graduate exhibition, curated by Gloria Friedmann, Ecal, Lausanne.
"Anathema" with Lauris Paulus and Fabian Marti, curated by Boris Magrini, Fri- Art, Fribourg.
"Der Tanz der Doppelgänger" curated by Klat, Shark, Genève.

"Sublime partie II" curated by Kim Soeb Boninsegni, Atelier, Usine, Genève.
"Solal" curated by Francis Baudevin, Arsenic, Lausanne.
"Morgenstern" with Claudia Comte, Guillaume Pilet, Phillippe Daerdinger, Stéphane Stettler, Château de Morges, Da Vidy Code Musée Romain, Lausanne - Vidy.
"The Monkey Show" with Konstantin Sgouridis, curated by the artists, Atelier, Usine Geneva.

"Our House in the Middle of Our Street", curated by Sarah Zürcher, Fri-Art, Fribourg.
"Biennale de la sculpture très jeune" curated by Guillaume Pilet, Epalinges.
"Les Urbaines" off projection, Flon, Lausanne.
"Sculpture Academy", curated by Pierre Vadi, Atelier, Usine Genève.


Curated projects:

Elena Montesinos et Genêt Mayor, 09/2006.
Sublime, partie I, 01/2006, Etats seconds, Benjamin Valenza.

Projects and publications:

OBzine, Fanzine of contemporary art, limited edition, direction du fanzine OB#1 « ahahaha », 2009.
DK, self published fanzine, 2009.
Lauris Paulus pour Naphtaline, Lausanne, 2008.
This Year i’m 27, self published fanzine, 2007.
Stay Home it’s Better, self published fanzine, 2006.


“Between the Tree and a Plastic Chair”, Vanessa Safavi solo exhibition, Chert, Berlin, September 2010, article in November Magazine, Issue n. 2, November 2010.
“Between the Tree and a Plastic Chair”, Vanessa Safavi solo exhibition, Chert, Berlin, September 2010, review in Spike Magazine by Andreas Schlaegel, Oct. 2010.
“Drinnen & Draussen”, exhibition catalogue, published by Chert & Motto, Berlin July 2010.
“Vanessa Safavi – Collection Cahiers d’Artistes 2010”, published by Pro Helvetia, Fondation suisse pour la culture/Swiss Arts Council.

Kunstbulletin – The West-Coast of the Lake
Kunstbulletin – DECORUM, invitation de Zorro & Bernardo

Kunstbulletin – L’Atelier du coq a l’âne