
Eric Duyckaerts

26 May - 28 Jul 2007


Texte de Eric Duyckaerts

- Hello.
- Hello.
- How are you gearing up for the exhibition to be held at Emmanuel Perrotin in May 2007?
- I feel confident about it. I plan on proposing a series of new works in a range of different domains; I feel that this characterizes the kind of artist I am.
- What kind of artist is that?
- It seems like I?m continuing work on rough drafts that I?ve previously sketched in the past. I see this as a great opportunity to put some order into things. In May, there will be new videos, with the drawings accompanying them. There will be new chains of analogies. New radiographs of walls. New drawings. New interlaces.
- Could you go more into detail?
- Yes and no. I?ll try, but don?t hold any imprecisions against me: we still have a few months? work ahead of us. The interlaces will always be a major focus for me. I decided to do serigraphie in giving them form, in the past I tended to use a rougher, more savage approach. The radiographs of walls have only one concrete outcome today : I feel it is time to see what is going on inside the walls of prestigious museums.
- Which ones?
- I?m not going to say. But to give you an idea, the Centre Pompidou is at the top of my list. There are also museums housing art that dates much further back. We?re going to stroll around inside the walls of many museums in the northern hemisphere?
- What about the drawings?
- I?m working with pastel gras. I?m blown away by some of the newest products?now you can find pencils that are both oil soluble and water soluble. Like with acrylic. There are so many choices now, some of them are pretty amusing. Like in a video game. In fact, it?s not a drawing, it?s painting with pencil.
- What about the analogies ?
- They?re not merely analogies. Everybody is always doing analogies? No. These are chains of analogies. Or concatenations d?analogies. Whichever you prefer. This is the idea: you can easily go from things that are widely accepted to things that are totally absurd, without losing any of the reasoning behind it. For example, I can easily go from one-half equals three sixths to something like olive and camembert equals the UN flag and a cornucopia. While remaining totally intelligible.
- It sounds magical.
- No, this is how the logos is.
- What about the videos?
- They revolve around a given character. You could call him Éric D. He?s a cross between a professor and a madcap scholar. He has a lot of ideas to share. His enthusiasm is totally genuine. He plunges into those spheres of knowledge which make him feel good.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.

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