Bienal do Mercosul


10 Sep - 15 Nov 2011

10 September – 15 November 2011

Chief Curator: José Roca
Adjunct Curators: Alexia Tala, Caue Alves, Paola Santoscoy
Pedagogical Curator: Pablo Helguera
Invited Curator: Aracy Amaral
Assistant Curator: Fernanda Albuquerque

Alberto Lastreto, Alicia Herrero, André Komatsu, Angela Detanico & Rafael Lain, Anna Bella Geiger, Barthélémy Toguo, Beatriz Santiago, Bernardo Oyarzún, Cao Guimarães, Carlos Pasquetti, Carlos Vergara, Center for Land Use Interpretation, Coco Fusco, Cristina Lucas, Donna Conlon & Jonathan Harker, Duke Riley, Edgardo Aragón, Eduardo Abaroa, Elida Tessler, Emmanuel Nassar, Eugênio Dittborn, Fabio Morais, Felipe Cohen, Fernando Bryce, Flavia Gandolfo, Francis Alÿs, Gal Weinstein, Glaucis de Morais, Guilherme Peters, Helene Saco, Irene Kopelman, Irwin / NSK, Iván Candeo, Javier López & Erika Meza, Jean-François Boclé, João Genaro, Jon Rubin & Dawn Weleski, José Alejandro Restrepo, José Toirac & Meira Marrero, Juan Manuel Echavarría, Kajsa Dahlberg, Khaled Hafez, Kochta & Kalleinen (Oliver Kochta e Telervo Kalleinen), Lais Myrrha, Leslie Shows, Lúcia Koch, Lucía Madriz, Luis Gárciga, Luis Romero, Nick Rands, NKS, Manuela Ribadeneira, Marcelo Cidade, Marcelo Moscheta, Marcius Galan, Marcos Sari, María Elvira Escallón, María Teresa Ponce, Marina Camargo, Mark Lombardi, Marlon de Azambuja, Mateo López, Mayana Redin, Melanie Smith / Rafael Ortega, Miguel Angel Rios, Miguel Luciano, Oswaldo Maciá, Pablo Bronstein, Paco Cao, Paola Parcerisa, Paulo Climachauska, Paulo Vivacqua, Pedro Palhares, Raquel Garbelotti, Regina Silveira, Rogério Severo, Rômulo Conceição, Sanna Kannisto, Santiago Sierra, Sealand, Sebastian Romo, Slavs and Tatars, Tatzu Nishi, Tiago Giora, Torolab / Raúl Cárdenas, Uriel Orlow, Valeska Soares / O Grivo, Vitor Cesar, Viviane Pasqual, Voluspa Jarpa, Yanagi Yukinori, Yasmín Hage, Ykon, YOUNG-HAE CHANG HEAVY INDUSTRIES

Entitled Essays on Geopoetics, the 8th edition was opened in September 10th to November 15th 2011 and is concerned with territoriality and its critical redefinition from an art standpoint. It showed 186 works of 105 artists from 31 countries that develop relevant works regarding the notions of country, nation, identity, territory, mapping, and boundaries through geographic, political and cultural aspects. More than 600 thousand people visited the exhibitions.

The curatorial project was composed by seven actions, addressed by exposing and activating strategies: Casa M, Travel Notebooks, Continents, Beyond Frontiers, Unseen City, Geopoetics, and a featured artist exhibition, Eugenio Dittborn.
The exhibition spaces housing the 8th Mercosul Biennial in Porto Alegre was the Quayside Warehouses, Santander Cultural, MARGS – The Rio Grande do Sul Museum of Art, and various other spaces in the state capital and other towns in Rio Grande do Sul.

Artists, works, exhibitions and education activities of the 8th Mercosul Biennial also arrived in more than 20 Rio Grande do Sul cities had welcome artists, works, exhibitions, and educational activities, in Bagé, Caxias do Sul, Ijuí, Montenegro, Pelotas, Santa Maria , Santana do Livramento, São Miguel das Missões and Teutônia.

The 8th Mercosul Biennial Education Program promoted teachers and mediators training activities, workshops, lectures, seminars, publications aimed to different audiences and especially, the Casa M program. During the exhibition period the event offered guided tours, free transport for public schools, and other activities.

The team of curators was made of seven Latin American professionals: José Roca (Colombia) - general curator, Pablo Helguera (Mexico) - education curator, Alexia Tala (Chile), Cauê Alves (Brazil) and Paola Santoscoy (Mexico) - adjunct curators, Aracy Amaral (Brazil) - guest curator and Fernanda Albuquerque (Brazil) - assistant curator.

Exhibitions and activities
Featured artist: Eugenio Dittborn – exhibition of the Airmail Paintings by the Chilean artist Eugenio Dittborn, a reputable name in Latin America. The works are showed in Porto Alegre, at Santander Cultural, and also in an itinerary exhibition in three Rio Grande do Sul cities: Caxias do Sul, Bagé, and Pelotas.
Travel Notebooks – expeditions to nine regions of Rio Grande do Sul between April and August. The results are showed in feature exhibitions in cultural spaces of different cities and during the Biennial in a collective show in Warehouse A7 on the Quayside.

Casa M – cultural space devoted to art promotion, development and exchange, located in Porto Alegre downtown, presenting an intense cultural program. Casa M is open since May 2011 until December 2011

Unseen City – art works in nine locations in Porto Alegre downtown, emphasizing the sensorial experience in those places.

Continents – seven international independent cultural institutions working on artist’s residency in three independent art spaces in Porto Alegre, Caxias do Sul, and Santa Maria. The main goal is to develop networks of exchange and collaboration.
Geopoetics – exhibition in Warehouses A4, A5, and A6 on the Quayside, in Porto Alegre, presented works and artists that question the notion of nationality. It showed many ways of representing and measuring the world. Micronations – small nations with or without territory – took part of this exhibition as zones of poetic autonomy – ZPAs.

Beyond Frontiers – a critical view of the Rio Grande do Sul landscape shown through new works by nine artists and also works from local museums collections. It had been shown in MARGS – Museu de Arte do Rio Grande do Sul, in Porto Alegre.

Tags: Eduardo Abaroa, Francis Alÿs, Edgardo Aragon, Marlon de Azambuja, Pablo Bronstein, Fernando Bryce, César, Marcelo Cidade, Paulo Climachauska, Felipe Cohen, Donna Conlon, Kajsa Dahlberg, Eugenio Dittborn, Juan Manuel Echavarría, Coco Fusco, Marcius Galan, Raquel Garbelotti, Anna Bella Geiger, O Grivo, Cao Guimarães, Khaled Hafez, Jonathan Harker, Donna Conlon & Jonathan Harker, Pablo Helguera, Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries, IRWIN, Voluspa Jarpa, Sanna Kannisto, Lucia Koch, André Komatsu, Irene Kopelman, Angela Detanico / Rafael Lain, Mark Lombardi, Mateo Lopez, Cristina Lucas, Oswaldo Macià, Lucía Madriz, Fabio Morais, Marcelo Moscheta, Lais Myrrha, Tatzu Nishi, Uriel Orlow, Guilherme Peters, José Alejandro Restrepo, Manuela Ribadeneira, Miguel Angel Ríos, Leslie Shows, Santiago Sierra, Regina Silveira, Slavs and Tatars, Melanie Smith, Valeska Soares, Barthélémy Toguo, Torolab, Paulo Vivacqua